Friday, October 9, 2015

Skam2? - The SKRONIK: Flying Monkey Murder Cirkus

SKAM2?, the talent behind Eminem's The Slim Shady LP artwork as well as ATCQ's Beats, Rhymes And Life album art delivers his debut LP, The Skronik: Flying Monkey Murder Cirkus - collecting contributions from the likes of dead prez, Lucian, Ill Bill and more. The Miami native has also kept his pen/art game sharpened, originally working on a Deadpool take on A Tribe Called Quest's Beats, Rhymes And Life in celebration of 19 years since the album's release. Ironically, Marvel started rolling out their own takes on classic and iconic Hip-Hop album covers. Track 4 Anti-Heroes & Super-Villains produced By: #MiamiBeatWave
DOWNLOAD & STREAM: Skam2? On AudioMack 

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